Tag Archive | God is with you


In my reading time this evening, I was led to the devotional within Biblehub.com for the morning of July 29th (which is technically tomorrow, but is up now…go figure.)  Anywho, I really liked the message, so I figured I would share it with y’all.  Never are we alone….no matter what we do, no matter our sin, no matter our brokenness, no matter how we feel….we are always held by a God who is bigger than us!  Hallelujah!


Nevertheless I am continually with you:
you have held me by my right hand.
Psalm 73:23

“Nevertheless,”–As if, notwithstanding all the foolishness and ignorance which David had just been confessing to God, not one atom the less was it true and certain that David was saved and accepted, and that the blessing of being constantly in God’s presence was undoubtedly his. Fully conscious of his own lost estate, and of the deceitfulness and vileness of his nature, yet, by a glorious outburst of faith, he sings “nevertheless I am continually with thee.” Believer, you are forced to enter into Asaph’s confession and acknowledgment, endeavour in like spirit to say “nevertheless, since I belong to Christ I am continually with God!” By this is meant continually upon his mind, he is always thinking of me for my good. Continually before his eye;–the eye of the Lord never sleepeth, but is perpetually watching over my welfare. Continually in his hand, so that none shall be able to pluck me thence. Continually on his heart, worn there as a memorial, even as the high priest bore the names of the twelve tribes upon his heart forever. Thou always thinkest of me, O God. The bowels of thy love continually yearn towards me. Thou art always making providence work for my good. Thou hast set me as a signet upon thine arm; thy love is strong as death, many waters cannot quench it; neither can the floods drown it. Surprising grace! Thou seest me in Christ, and though in myself abhorred, thou beholdest me as wearing Christ’s garments, and washed in his blood, and thus I stand accepted in thy presence. I am thus continually in thy favor–“continually with thee.” Here is comfort for the tried and afflicted soul; vexed with the tempest within–look at the calm without. “Nevertheless”–O say it in thy heart, and take the peace it gives. “Nevertheless I am continually with thee.”

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
Psalm 23:4

Never Underestimate the Power within ME!

If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men.
Never take your own revenge, beloved,
but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written,
“Vengeance is mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.
“But if your enemy is hungry, feed him,
And if he is thirsty, give him a drink;
For in so doing you will reap burning coals on his head.
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
~ Romans 12:18-21 ~

Roaring lion

Though I am a Christian, that does mean I am perfect
Though I am naive at times, that does not mean I am weak
Though I am a peacekeeper, that does not mean I cannot make war
Though I am forgiving, that does not mean I will let you hurt me
Though I live in this world, that does not mean I am of it
Do not underestimate the POWER of GOD that holds me up!!

For those who have been persecuted
For those who have been accused without proof
For those who have been crushed
For those who have been struck down
For those who have been trodden upon

I stand with you now
Reminding you that YOU have strength beyond measure
YOU have legions of  GOD’s angels to fight the evil that comes against you
YOU CAN do ALL things through CHRIST who gives YOU strength
YOU CAN be ALL that HE calls YOU to be in HIS NAME.

Do not fear
Do not give lead to the lies of Satan
Do not lose hope
For the GOD of the UNIVERSE holds YOU
He will NEVER leave YOU nor FORSAKE you
Stand still under the shadow of HIS wings
Let HIM seek the VENGEANCE of those who hurt you
Let HIM fight the WAR for you knowing HE WILL WIN it every time.

In the end
Every knee will bow
Every tongue confess
Every eye will see
Every heart revealed
Every action judged

Rise above
Rest in the HOPE of the CROSS
Rest in the PEACE that surpasses all UNDERSTANDING
Rest in the ASSURANCE that GOD has your back

All my love and may you know how strong you truly are and how beautiful are the characteristics GOD has graced YOU with despite how the world views them and seeks to devour.  YOU are a child of the ONE TRUE GOD!  YOU are holy, mighty, and righteous in JESUS name ❤