Archive | December 29, 2013

It’s a new YeAR and it’s NeVEr too late!!

God’s arms are always open to receive those who seek him and desire to have a relationship with him!
May you find your peace with God and may your heart be filled with joy overflowing and hope never-ending!
God bless and keep you always 🙂

We Believe

I am always so energized by the coming of a New Year!!  It has always given me hope that there is chance for renewal and rebirth, much like spring.   Christmas reminds me of the importance of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for me, bringing me into a living relationship with God himself, and then comes the New Year, which enables me the chance to renew and rededicate my heart, mind, and soul to God.

There was once a time when I looked at God as being “up there”, so “far away”, and so “omnipotent” that I could not ever be in a relationship with him.  Having walked through the valley of abuse, spent time in the throes of divorce, and experienced such sinful and impure thoughts, I thought I could never communicate with God, never be “good” enough, never be clean enough to approach him or to connect with him.

However, much to my surprise and delight, I have learned that no one is perfect, no one is ever “good enough”, and no one is ever pure enough to connect with God.  God is perfect, sinless, righteous, and well, God!  As I mentioned in my Choose! post, scripture states that we have all fallen short of the glory of God, that we have all sinned, and that we are all evil and sinful creatures of the flesh.  Depressing, yes!  But scripture does not stop there!!  There is hope!  In John 3:16-17, God sent His one and only Son, to be a sacrificial lamb for all mankind, so that we could be washed in the cleansing blood of Christ, and have everlasting life, if we so choose to accept the perfect Lamb of God, Jesus Christ.

With the choice of everlasting life, the choice of believing in Christ, his life, his crucifixion, and his resurrection, comes a set of beliefs established in faith and love.  These are indeed the fundamentals of Christian living.  God wants nothing but the best for His children (Jeremiah 29:11), but we must accept him and live in obedience and grace.

The Newsboys put out a wonderful song based on these fundamental beliefs.  I hope that you listen and take the opportunity to accept Christ into your life, thus finding hope for a future, and joy in the promise of eternal salvation.  May you walk with the living God, enjoying his peace, comfort, strength, endurance, wisdom, discernment, and never-ending love!!!  All my love for a promising New Year with God in the driver’s seat! ❤

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching,
for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;
so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. ~ 2 Timothy 3:16-17