
Wow! Versatile blogging award…Thanks.

My appreciative thanks to booklovers1 for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award.  I am honored that you thought of my site as inspiring, loving, and encouraging, and I pray that God continues to move through us both to bring His word, His light, and His love into the lives of others around the world.

I love that these awards allow us to branch out, share our sites with others, and help build our community, however, I have it on my heart to make this an award free blog after completing this award so kindly offered by booklovers1!   God has a way of bringing people to the Journey with God blog when he wants them here, so I leave the growth of this site to him.  With that said, if I have nominated you and you are able to participate, that will be wonderful.  If you are not, I totally understand, but wanted to let you know that you have inspired me, bringing joy, peace, and comfort to my heart, and often times convicting me to go the extra mile and be exactly what God calls me to be.  God bless and keep you 🙂


** RULES **

–  Display the Award Certificate on your blog.
–  Write a post and link back to the blogger who nominated you.
–  Nominate 15 other bloggers.
–  Inform them of their nomination via comment on their blog.
–  Post 7 interesting things about yourself

** Sites that Inspire and Renew **

Settled in Heaven          Single Focus          A Mike for Christ          The Teen Theme

Christian Poetry          Beauty through Ashes          The River Walk          Life Reference

The Father’s Heart          This Day with God          Prayers and Promises          Kriz Summer

Just Happened Upon This          King of Kings Blog          Finding My Inner Courage

Now 7 interesting things about me…..hmmmmm?!?   Okay, here goes….

#1 I don’t like thinking of things that are interesting about myself or that I am good at.  I feel like I am bragging or being weird 🙂

#2 I so love the singing, especially worship and contemporary Christian songs, as they bring me great joy and enable me to rest at the feet of Jesus!  And, yes I sing in the shower….always sounds better in the shower!

#3 I love reading, but hardly ever finish a book before I start another one.  I must have more unfinished books on my bookshelf; some I only have a few chapters left in, but I get bored and then start a new one, forgetting to go back to the other later.  Sounds like I need to work on completing those before I buy any new ones….wow!

#4 I was saved when I was 16, of my own fruition since my family was not dedicated to any particular church and did not go regularly.  However, it was not until my divorce 12 years ago that I really found out who God was!  That was the most amazing point in my life: to know that God wasn’t just some higher power that orchestrated events in my life and answered my prayers now and again.  No, I came to know God on a very intimate level, learning that he was my lifeline, my help, my comfort, my rock, my provision, my security, my friend, my lover, my husband, my all in all!!  I have so enjoyed growing in his word, learning how to apply it to my life.  It is through my deep-rooted relationship with God that I am able to share his faith, grace, forgiveness, mercy, and love with all who come into my life, including my wonderful 14-year-old son, who is just now beginning to discover who God really is in his own life…no longer riding mom’s idea of God, but developing his own which is so great to watch!  God is sooooo good!

#5 A quick fact, the first thing most people notice about me is my smile and the fact that I am about 5’11” and with heels on I typically stand at 6’1″. Now my 14-year-old son is 6’2″ looking down at me as I now look up at him, even when I have heels on…dang it!!  Gotta love it when your kids outgrow you!  I am still amazed at how fast the time has flown and how quickly he has grown, but I praise God for the honor and privilege of being a parent for there is no greater glorious gift in my eyes!

#6 I am a native Florida girl who is now a California girl, via some travel through Europe along the way…though my roots are still as southern as they get with family in Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Kentucky (none in Cali).  Funny fact though….my southern accent only comes out when I am mad or frustrated, hence the reason I think my friends get a kick out of me when I get angry or frustrated!!  At least they don’t aggravate me on purpose so they can hear it…thank God.

#7  I am an RSP teacher, also known as an Education Specialist, who works with students with special needs.  I absolutely love my job…sans the paperwork…and look forward to working with my students everyday!  I learn so much through the eyes of the children I work with, and I have a new appreciation and wonder for life that is found through hopeful innocence of children.  Children are indeed precious to the Lord and I am so blessed to be working with them everyday.  Matthew 18:1-5 At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them.  And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.

Whew…I did it!  I told you some interesting (or what I think are interesting) things about me.  If you want to know anything else, I will do my best to answer you if you ask (within reason of course 🙂 )

God bless and keep you and may your Christmas be filled with cheerful family moments and peaceful time with the Lord who gave His all just for you! ❤

Life Gone Awry

Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and father,
who has loved us and given us everlasting consolation and good hope by grace, comfort your hearts
and establish you in every good word and work.  ~ 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

Life Gone Awry

It is amazing the little things that affect you
The way something so subtle can determine your path in life
As a child it is the small things that matter most
The simple things that guide your thoughts

These things impact you in ways often unseen
You live life blindly and wonder why you do the things you do
Sometimes these things cause you to turn against yourself
Destroying you from within, devouring your very soul

Trust is such a small word yet so strong
You were created to trust others for your survival
As you grow that trust is often discarded by those you love most
Leading you into disastrous habits and relationships as an adult

Breaking trust and God-given boundaries leads to turmoil
When you cannot trust, you hide within the hallways of your mind
Avoiding others or only giving them what they want to see
Slowly losing who you are and any identity you were clinging to

When the very thought of yourself is nonexistent you lose touch
Losing your ability to feel your emotions and experience love
Most of all you lose an intimacy with someone who is beyond compare
He gets lost in the crevices of your pain and self contempt

When finally you sink into the miry pit of despair you can only reach up
Seeking answers to the sadness, hurt, and longing that resides in your heart
What you find is that compassionate someone who was with you all along
He felt your pain, was angry when you were hurt, and has a hopeful future for you

God was, is and always will be with you
No matter how dark your life seems, He stands next to you, holding you in His strength
He loves you, cheers for you, and longs for you to know His gentle peace
He wants to guide you through your pain and help you feel love again

When you have hit rock bottom with nowhere else to go
All you need do is call His name and He will bring you hope
He will cover you with His grace and shelter you in the shadow of His wing
Most of all God will lift your soul, bringing you closer to Him, helping you trust again

Kiss ~ In memory of my Grandmother

Today, I have been pondering the memories of the people in my past that have made me who I am, and provided me with direction and wisdom that continues to guide me today and will do so well into the future.  I recently started scrapbooking pictures of family and friends that date back as far as the 1800’s.  It has been fabulous and reminds me of the blessings we have, and the struggles others went through to get me where I am today.  Many are long gone, and many I have never met, but without them, I would not exist!

With that said, in loving memory of my exceptionally wonderful grandparents, I share poems in their memory. This one is dedicated to my grandmother who showed me what it meant to be a lady. I could never leave the house without a slip under my skirt or dress, I was called to respect and show kindness (as you did toward me), and it was expected that I would behave like a proper lady at all times.  She was not just my grandmother, but a mother to me as well, and I am so thankful for her influence in my life!


He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up. Lest you dash your foot against a stone. ~ Psalm 91:11-12

Now I Know Why…

As I watch home videos
Tears fill my eyes
I miss you with all my heart
And wonder why it was your time to die

Whenever life gets complicated
Times when it seems so tough
My selfishness comes out
I want you here, all to myself

Why did God have to take you
He knows I need you so much
You are now out of my reach
Well beyond my touch

I look back at all you did for me
Instilling values and morals deep in my soul
Telling me of your life stories
Sharing my joys and sorrows

You are no longer here with me
Instead, you reside high above
An angle up in Heaven
Residing with lost ones you loved

I was blessed to be cared for by you
More fortunate than most
For this I am indeed very thankful
To the Lord, our Heavenly Host

I suppose I understand now
Why God called you home to Him
He needed someone wonderful
To help welcome the rest of us in

With all my love to you and may the glory of Heaven be all you ever imagined!  Until I see you again, your loving granddaughter.